Damage from Melting Snow – Insurance and Prevention Tips

As winter ends and temperatures begin to rise, the accumulating water from melting snow and ice leaves your home susceptible to damage. Protect your home ahead of time to minimize your risk.

New Hampshire Snowmelt Protection Tips:

Use these four tips to help reduce your home’s risk of melting snow damage:

Clear snow from your home’s foundation

Shovel snow away from your home, including stairwells, window wells, downspouts and doors to help prevent water from seeping in through cracks.

Maintain your roof and gutters.

Any heavy snow that has accumulated on your roof should be cleared away to avoid water damage. Keep your gutters clear of debris to avoid ice dams—melted snow that refreezes at night, causing gutter clogs.

3. Ensure proper drainage.

Make sure your downspout drains away from your home, and keep any street storm sewer drains clear of snow to prevent buildup and freezing.

4. Check your sump pump.

Test to see that your sump pump is in good working order in case your home experiences flooding. If you notice any small leaks, take care of them before they become a bigger hazard.

Safety First

Trained contractors can help you in the most crucial areas of your home, including plumbing and heating. If you are unable or unsure of how to remove snow from your roof, fix a leaky pipe, seal windows and doors, or test your water heater, contact a professional to ensure you and your home are safe from harm.


Flooding from melting snow that leaks into your home is typically considered flood damage and not “water damage” (ie water damage from a pipe burst). Because of this distinction, in most cases your homeowner’s insurance policy would not cover damages from melting snow.

Of course, there are always exceptions. Every insurance carrier does things differently so endorsements to your policy, and the full terms of your specific coverage would need to be reviewed to accurately assess the amount of coverage you may or may not have.

Good news is, that’s what we’re here for! Better news is, we offer affordable New Hampshire flood insurance policies and can provide a free NH flood insurance quote – no obligation to you. 

Just give us a call at (603) 536-1735

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