NH Workers Compensation for the Plymouth area
Where Main Street meets your Workers Compensation needs
There are a lot of nuances around workers compensation. As a New Hampshire based agency, Noyes Insurance has relevant knowledge and tools to help our clients remain in compliance with state workers compensation laws.
We use workers compensation carriers with robust resources that help our clients train employees, smoothly process workers compensation claims, efficiently get back to a full-work force, and stay up to date on regulatory changes.
Learn more below, or check out our recent article for more insight:
Money Saving Workers Compensations Tips for Your New Hampshire Business
New Hampshire Workers’ Compensation Insurance:
For Employees
Workers compensation was created as a solution for employees that faced unsafe work conditions, and employers who were paying out of pocket for lawsuits from injured employees. Most states require employers to buy Workers’ Compensation Insurance as soon as they hire their first employee, including New Hampshire. Please note that each state has different rules and regulations around workers compensation; we recommend reading the actual legislation for your state to make sure you are in compliance.
For Employers
As an employer, the consequences of failing to provide a safe workplace can be two-fold. Unsafe environments may affect the health and well-being of the valuable employees working to help your business succeed. Work related Injuries or illness can also make your workers compensation costs nearly impossible to control.
Successful safety programs in the workplace can have an equal but opposite impact to your businesses; it prevents your workers compensation premium from spiking as a result of a claim, protects your bottom line, and keeps you team safe and productive.
Successful safety programs in the workplace can have an equal but opposite impact to your businesses; it prevents your workers compensation premium from spiking as a result of a claim, protects your bottom line, and keeps you team safe and productive.
As an agency that has been working with local businesses for over 80 years, our knowledge of industry-specific risks and methods for addressing them before it’s too late, is a valuable asset to our clients.
Complete our quote form and experience the benefit of having a Noyes agent as your workers compensation guide.